News & Resources

Call for Nominations – EMAlumni Award 2024

The EMAlumni Association recognises the substantial value and contributions of EMA alumni to society, which are a testament to the legacy of the EMA spirit and commitment to promoting human rights and democratisation worldwide. Established in 2019, the EMAlumni Award...

Wellbeing Webinar: Addressing Harassment

Join us for a Wellbeing Webinar featuring three EMAlumni dedicated to fostering supportive workplaces and addressing workplace harassment. 🗣️ Speakers: Alejandra Oriola Almarcha, co-founder of the Brussels-based organisation, Harassment Support Network (HSN). Founded...

Uniting Global Minds: A Reflection on the GCA Gathering in Athens

Hélène Bauwens, representing the EMAlumni Association, Nuno Oliveira, representing the CES alumni association, Hazem Mizyed, representing and coordinating the GCA, Davina Murden, coordinating and representing the HRDA alumni association (joining online), Mélina Pelé,...

Recent news…


EMAlumni Awards

EMAlumni Awards

This year, for the fourth time, the EMAlumni Association would like to recognise the value and contribution that EMA alumni bring to society, as a legacy of the EMA spirit and commitment towards the advancement of human rights and democratisation. After the nomination...

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Careers Day 2022

Careers Day 2022

Paving a path in human rights has never been an easy task; we all know how challenging and stressful it is to pursue a career in this competitive ‘job market’. That’s we created the career day as an excellent opportunity to connect our current EMA Masterini with...

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Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Photo by Daniel Jensen from Unsplash Hello everyone! After some months of work, we're happy to present you the EMAlumni Association website. With this website, we've created a virtual home for EMAlumni to connect to the community, share their work and stories and keep...

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Mundo B, Rue d’Edimburg 26, Brussels 1050, Belgium