On the occasion of the 25 years anniversary of the EMA programme, EMAlumni share what the EMA has meant to them in a video made in collaboration with EMAlum Lucrecia Cisneros Rincon.

The European Master’s Degree for Human Rights and Democratisation, also known as EMA, was inaugurated in 1997. Twenty five years later we wish to celebrate our “mother” institution the Global Campus of Human Rights (previously EIUC) and the amazing alumni community, by serving you just a small taste of who we are and what we do.

Whether we followed the human rights path or changed direction along the way, the experience of studying in a small, isolated Venetian island has been undeniably intense, unique and memorable for all.

THANK YOU EMA for the knowledge, dreams and inspiration!

Connect with the EMAlumni Association and support us in order to keep bringing the community together for another year!

With our best wishes for peace and love, enjoy!
