Dear EMAlumni,
The unique bond and commitment to human rights we shared during our time in the EMA program sparked a lifelong journey for many of us. This year, as alumni, we aim to ensure that future students passionate about human rights can access the EMA program, regardless of their background.
We are raising €6,450 to fund a scholarship for the 2025-2026 academic year, which will cover program fees for one deserving student. This scholarship honors the incredible work of Andra Matei, our 2024 EMAlumni Award winner and founder of Avant-Garde Lawyers, who is a champion for freedom of expression.
By contributing, you will support a student following in our footsteps and advancing human rights worldwide. Let’s open doors for the next generation of advocates and give them the same opportunity that shaped us. Please consider giving here:–
P.S. When you give €25 or more, you automatically become a supportive member of the EMAlumni Association.
With gratitude,

Hélène Bauwens
President of the EMAlumni Association